Fort Lauderdale – A wonderful Weekend

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IMG_0386Our first stop before meeting the Norwegian Epic in Miami was to have dinner with old friends at Fort Lauderdale Country Club.  Meeting at the bar for Friday night cocktails gave us a chance to see many other old friends from our years there. Robin Vaught and Ed Jones greeted us and we were joined shortly by Dot and Jeff Martin.  It was a pleasure to see Charlie and Cheryl serving up our libations! Those in attendance were pretty much the same Friday night group from when we weekly participants.  Always fun to see Joe and Donna along with brother Rick.  Dave had his mother in town, so we were able to catch up in person rather than Facebook.

Dinner was tremendous.  Mike Smith, the head chef always excels.  We enjoyed some great Jordan Cab and a few after dinner drinks talking and enjoying people dancing.  We have been members of several golf clubs where we lived and the standard of excellence award always goes to the experience and fun at FLCC.  We don’t know if it is in the water or bar, but there is a special spirit of friendship and fun at all times.

PracticeFacilitesSaturday we went over to the course and hit balls at the newly renovated driving range.  What a fantastic practice facility.  We ran into more old golf friends warming up their swings.  We played the South Course There were no changes to the course layout, except it seemed longer, or maybe AGE made it seem longer!  What IMG_0370was special was all the planting that made the course look beautiful.  The conditions of  the greens and fairways were outstanding.  Our hats were off to Todd Ingram, the Golf Course Superintendent, for the wonderful work his ground crew does.  Janice shot two over par for a great round.  John did great if the measure is getting a high enough score to get your moneys worth.

Saturday evening we met our dear friend Marianne Radwan at Houston’s in Pompano Beach, an old favorite of ours when living in South Florida.  She had just returned from visiting her mother in England.  It was a lot of fun catching up.

IMG_0368Sunday morning we headed back over to FLCC for a round of golf on the North Course.  We had an enjoyable round and enjoyed the great condition of the course and seeing the new planting that made the course more beautiful than ever.

We had a wonderful weekend seeing old friends and enjoying FLCC.  The General Manager of the club, Michael O’Brien, we unfortunately missed but congratulate him along with the rest of his management team for the outstanding job they have done in making FLCC one of the finest golf clubs in the state of Florida.  If you ever get a chance to play either of the two courses, it will be a wonderful experience with friendly and helpful staff and great welcoming members.

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