2014 – Christmas with Collin!!

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IMG_1074Welcome to our Christmas.  We must admit that it is all different when you have a grandchild to make it a Merry, Merry time!   First let us introduce you to Collin, John’s son James and his wife Mary’s first child, good news, a girl is on her way in May!

Here’s Collin


 James and Mary flew down from Philadelphia  on December 23rd to Orlando.  The preparation was fun having to get all the “support stuff” for Collin.  Thank goodness for Amazon and Walmart for the ability to get things quickly.  We needed a booster seat, car seat and a portable crib.  Thanks to the Zammett’s the porta-crib was borrowed.  Arriving at the Orlando airport we waited for Collin to arrive, had an easy drive back to Flagler Beach and were ready for several days of fun.

Tuesday night we invited our neighbors, Janice’s brother Steve and his wife Marilyn, Lelia Hattersley, her mom Betty Lou and BL’s sister Carol and husband Roland, and our good friends Dave and Linda Culver for hamburgers and bratwurst.  Collin managed to stay awake for part of it and then down to bed.  Much fun was had by all!

On Wednesday Carol, Roland and Betty Lou arrived with their golf cart.  Collin was in heaven having everyone drive with him steering the cart.  Does it get any better?

Wednesday evening we enjoyed Christmas Eve dinner with family.  We barbecued a Sockeye salmon from Alaska, enjoyed good wine and company.  Steve’s son Jason joined us from Nashville and it was so pleasant to have him as part of the holiday.

Christmas Day

We enjoyed the morning opening gifts with Collin, it just doesn’t get any better.

Of course opening is just the start of the activities.  We found a Fisher Price Drum Set and had toDSC_0073 buy it for him.  When Collin opened it, James and Mary were delighted to see his reaction, he loved it.  A back story; a month ago Collin came home from having spent the day with his sitter and took a bin, turned it upside down and grabbed some chop sticks and started playing the drums.  We did not know the story, so it was great to hear.  Another fun gift Collin enjoyed was a turtle from Betty Lou, she was a dear friend of John’s parents and she was the resident Great Grand Mother for Collin.  Later Collin went down to see her at the house, and of course ended up back out in the golf cart!

Great Breakfast with Dad and Gramps
Great Breakfast with Dad and Gramps

Christmas morning just wouldn’t be right with out mimosa, eggs, pancakes and bacon for breakfast.  Everyone was full and it was off for a wonderful day.  It was a quiet day, with an occasional drum roll!  Janice prepared a great tenderloin for dinner along with all the fixings.  Steve and his family join us and another wonderful Christmas dinner was had by all.

Janice, Jason
Christmas dinner with Janice, Jason, James, Collin,Mary, Steve and Marilyn

Our last day with Collin was a beautiful day that we spent down at the Flagler Pier and looking around the Farmers Market.  Collin enjoyed chasing the birds on the pier.

Friday afternoon we met Janice’s brother Brian at the golf course for a round of golf along with Steve.  Had a wonderful afternoon and back to the house for dinner.  Janice did a great leg of lamb, a favorite Robert’s meal.  We closed out the evening with a lot of conversation and good drinks.  It was fun to listen to Jason and James talk about all that is going on in technology and other interesting subjects like the space program.

Back to the airport and dropping off Collin, James and Mary for their flight back up north.  It was a wonderful Christmas and we were so thankful to spend it with that wonderful little boy, family and friends.