Dateline April 25, 2011, Lake Jovita..Dade City, Florida

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It is now official we are homeless!! We closed on the house today. We loved our time there at Lake Jovita,  our beautiful new view down hole #2 of the South Course.

View Back Yard Lake Jovita

We will be in touch with many people at Lake Jovita and have wonderful memories of times with family and friends at the house and of course many great days of golf at Lake Jovita. As the last POD was lifted (we packed 2- 16 foot and 1- 12 foot POD with some heavy lifting help from a neighbor Bill) , we waved goodbye and are officially homeless.

Good Bye Lake Jovita
POD Lifting

Our friends the Dunn’s (Nancy and Bill) are the caretakers of our wine which was moved to their house yesterday and we will spend tonight there and drink a few of those bottles!! We shall see where life leads us. We fly Wednesday to Seattle to get our RoadTrek at John’s brothers house so the adventure will restart as we head to Dawson Creek. Stay Tuned!


  1. Bill Tessaro

    Wow, what a great start to something I think many of us dream of — freedom to travel to all of those places we skipped during our “professional” lives. As my daughter tells me — Live, laugh, love.

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