Dateline January 26, 2015 – Golf at Kauri Cliffs

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Kauri Cliffs Golf Club was about a 35 minute drive from Kerikeri.  We turned off a main road and followed a dirt road for about a mile, we wondered if TomTom was taking us to a wrong location.  Finally a gate appeared, very unassuming, with a security speaker on the side.  We called and were told to come in and follow the road to the clubhouse and we would be met to direct us to parking.

We were met in the drive by Cameron, the assistant golf pro and loaded our carts to head out to the course.  Driving around the clubhouse we were treated to a view over the course towards the ocean.  It was sunny and about 75 degrees with as very pleasant breeze.  We were told by Cameron that there were only 6 other players playing the course for th day!

The golf course was designed by David Harman of Orlando, Florida.  He worked with some of the best designers spending most of his time on the construction of the courses.  He spent two years on Kauri Cliffs, unfortunately he passed away from lung cancer at 51 after completing Kauri Cliffs.  As one person wrote, “I can’t imagine what courses he may have designed and built later in life”.  Below is a plaque with comments from the owner Julian Robertson.

David Harman
David Harman

Julian Roberts made a fortune in finance, when he was young he spent a year in New Zealand writing, where he developed his love for New Zealand.  He then went into the finance business.  He build Kauri Cliffs and Cape Kidnappers over looking the pacific ocean at Hawkes Bay.  On our schedule to play in a few days!

The front nine was a great layout and a lot of fun to play overlooking fantastic vistas looking out over the Bay of Islands.

John ready to chip on
John ready to chip on

We stopped to pick up a sandwich and soda for the back nine.  Those that know John’s game would have  been shocked when he birdied 10, birdied 11 and parred 12!  Reality struck and he was back to his normal game on 13!  Janice played brilliantly and shot 83 from the mens tees at 6,000+ yards.  Peter and Bunny had a blast and a lot of fun. We were able to get sensational pictures of the course and the views from the cliffs out to the Bay of Islands and pacific ocean.

Of course we purchased hats and shirts from the pro shop.  Great day, sensational course conditions and as you can see just sensational views from the course, do not miss this course when in the North Island of New Zealand!

Back to Swallow Ridge to enjoy the views sitting by the pool and enjoying rum and cokes along with cheese and crackers.  Out for a quick meal and back for a good night of sleep.

We highly recommend Swallow Ridge for accommodations if playing Kauri Cliffs.


  1. Lin

    BEAUTIFUL! How much to play golf there? Just curious. Glad you’re having a great time. Sorry we couldn’t be there.
    All is great here. Jan. weather hasn’t been to bad. Dave and I are headed to New Orleans tomorrow. Work related for him. Then we get back Wed. And leave for Aruba Thursday. Not work related!

    1. John and Janice

      Golf can be around 150 NZ (about 100 US, Kauri Cliffs and Cape Kidnappers are owned by a private guy, the one we played with 6 other people and apparently he does not care 500 NZ to play those (not sure what we paid since we booked it with a small company that is called golf Around NZ and he may do better. Have a great time in NO and Aruba (a late honeymoon!). Janice

  2. Gigi

    It sounds so wonderful and I’m so happy your enjoying everyone and everything. Big hugs to you and John.
    Love the blog!!!

    1. John and Janice

      Thanks good friend.

  3. Timothy Beavers

    John, I remember when your regular game was like 10, 11 and 12! What a beautiful golf layout.

    1. John and Janice

      You are so kind!



    1. John and Janice

      Thanks, it is something else!

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