Dateline July 28, 2017: North Carolina and Rhode Island

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We have taken you along with us to a lot of the destinations going north, so we don’t want to bore you with those stops, however there are some new interesting places and good golf along the road.

Asheville and Golf at Black Mountain

Our next stop was just outside Asheville at Mama Gertie’s RV Park. This was a very nice place.  It sits on a hillside with each of the spots overlooking the ones below.  The only problem was getting the RV level, so we used our plastic levelers so we did not slide out of bed at night, down to the driver’s seat. In the morning we played golf at Black Mountain Golf Course in Black Mountain, North Carolina.  The views were wonderful, the greens a little slow, but a wonderful day of golf.

Back at Mama Gerties we enjoyed some rum with our hamburgers on the grill.  A good nights sleep and off to Raleigh in the morning.


We drove over to Raleigh to meet our daughter Kieran at our son Courtney’s home, Courtney, Amanda and the two lovely  grandchildren Izzy and Finley, unfortunately were in Vermont for vacation.  The good news was there is ample room to park the RV in the driveway and hook up for power.  With the temp around 99 degrees, air condition was a must!.  Kieran set up a tee time at North Carolina State’s golf course called Lonnie Poole Golf Club. We packed our clubs into her car and headed for the course. It was a 3 pm tee time, we had not planned on it being 99 degrees..Yikes!

Lonnie Poole is the only collegiate course that was designed by Arnold Palmer. It is a tough track, well trapped from tee to green. The course is magnificent and we had a great time, except for partial heat stroke.

This is a hole where the city of Raleigh is in the background.We played all 18 holes, some good; some bad;  then headed with Kieran to meet her friends for a cocktail in downtown Raleigh. What a great bunch of young adults, we had a great time. The next day temperatures were projected to be near 100 again! No thanks to outdoor activities!  Movie Time!!   We headed out to see Dunkirk, which was spectacular. We had a lovely time with Kieran, cannot believe we have no pictures of John and Kieran to show. We will get them when we return thru Raleigh in September. Our thanks to Kieran for the a great time and great golf!

We drove up through the Shenandoah Valley planning on some golf the next day but exhaustion from the heat still prevailed, so it was a day of rest.  We made a casual drive to our son Jame’s house in Wind Gap, PA for the night.  His wife Mary was out-of-town. We picked up dinner for James and our grandchildren Collin and Liza.  Again, no pictures, but we will be back over Labor Day.  Had a wonderful evening and planned to head out early in the morning.  Collin saw us from the living room window at 6AM and got dad to bring him down.  Nothing like a 4 year old’s hug in the morning!  We were on the road and headed to Rhode Island, our next stop.

Rhode Island

We arrived a Ashaway RV resort, Passport America so we got a 50% discount. The place is wow, big pool, tennis courts, children’s area and things to do. The parking spots are not very flat but our levelers saved us again. We played golf in the morning at a local course Winnapaug in Westerly Rhode Island. Lovely course good test of golf.  We enjoyed the views over the water and the vistas.

Are few pictures of the golf course..

Newport, Rhode Island

The next day we headed to Newport to walk around and look at the historic area and ride the ocean road past all the mansions. One of the most wonderful stops was the Trinity Church. Janice’s dear friend Marty Newton Skelley and Jeff Skelley were married  there some 30 plus years ago, it was a beautiful ceremony. We were given a tour by a lovely gentleman and learned about the church. Founded in 1698, it is the oldest Episcopal parish in the state. The current Georgian building was designed by architect Richard Munday and constructed in 1725–26. The pews were blocked into sections owned by prominent families, now used by all and marked with the history. 

The stained glass windows, one made by Tiffany, are mostly presented by families as remembrances of belated relatives.  The one on the right is for Cornelius Vanderbilt ll, the nephew of the “Commodore” Cornelius Vanderbilt.   The famous “Breakers” was his Newport mansion. The southeast winds over the years had caused the church to lean 6 degrees!  It has been re-enforced with steel beams throughout, making it straight again.

The church has a center pulpit, set in the middle as was the case in those days and is still the place the current clergy do the sermons every Sunday.














We walked through more of the historic district in Newport and then headed out to the “Ocean Drive” to view the many mansions.  Some are open for public viewing although many are still private residents, amazing how you could live if you won the Power Ball Lottery!

Janice reminisced about the days when she, Marty, Jeff and an old friend Nancy Richardson, now in heaven, spent many a day at the local bars and the beach, just up the street from Marty’s home.

We enjoyed the day and headed back to Ashaway for dinner and a good nights sleep, next stop, Janice’s Aunt Margaret and Uncle Bill.



  1. Janis & Franz Novice RVrs

    Shame on you pictures of the golf course but no kids and grand children. Glad you are having fun. We are in Jackson Hole Wyoming having gone through parts of Yellowstone. Thurs back to yellowstone for some more in depth sight seeing. Then who knows where. next planned stop Glacier national park.

    1. John and Janice

      See experienced RVrs forget the pictures?sometimes! At Glacier tell them your rig is 20 feet, I think over 20, they won’t let you drive through the park. I am sure you are having fun adjusting to the life on the road. We have enjoyed following you on Facebook.

      We drove through fog and rain in New Brunswick, so didn’t do a lot. Just spent the night in Amherst Nova Scia going to play golf today locally. It is beautiful and in the 70’s. We take the ferry to Newfoundland Saturday.

      Travel safe

      John and Janice

  2. Patti

    Sounds like you guys are having a great time. Come to Virginia!

  3. Charlotte Meyers

    Sure hope you two are getting cooler weather by now. At least you are headed in the right direction. Be safe and have a wonderful time!

    1. John and Janice

      We are in St John, NB and cooler, is a good word for it! The fog horns woke us up this morning. Having a great time. We had the pleasure of playing with Maurica Smith at Amherst and took her to lunch. She is such a sweet girl, then again, you have all the secrets on her? You know how we feel about Riv, playing so many difdferent courses gives such good feeleings about being part of the Riv family.

  4. Mark Oiellette

    As always it sounds like your having a great time, are you going to be in NH at all?

    1. John and Janice

      We stayed at Salsbury State Park for 2 days and played at Cape Ann in Essex on the way up and then twice at Sagamore. Janice played her SrAm qualifier at Haverhill CC. I got to play with her for the practice round. She played outstanding in the qualifyer and was looking at a 75 final score untiil the CHOKE got her on 17 and 18, going quad and double to finish with an 81 and getting eliminated in a 7 way playoff. Oh well, she is hitting the ball the best in years. Take care, John

  5. Jean smith

    Next time come visit us in boone. It’s 61 degrees this morning but expected to climb to 64? We bought a summer home last year for our retirement
    Your trips are wonderful. Renee and Wayne have an RV but she works long hours at st alphonsus hospital in Boise. That would be a great trip. After visiting Renee you could drive thru the blue mountains to Walla Walla Washington. We did that last year and visited the lavender farms.
    Keep traveling. We live vicariously through your blog.
    Love and best wishes,
    Jean and Mike

    1. John and Janice

      So wonderfulto hear from Mike and you. Thanks for the invite to see you in Boone, we will have to make that happen. The mountains in North Carolina are so wonderful, it is great you are enjoying the new home. I didn’t know Renee and Wayne are in Boise. What a spectacular area. We are planning a trip to Alaska next spring and it woud be fun to stop and see them. We actually have a group of RVs going, I will let them know the details, maybe they would want to join us. John grew up in Seattle. so we love traveling in that area. Love back to the two of you.
      John and Janice

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