Dateline: May 28, 2017. William F. Clinton Presidential Library

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Clinton Presidential Library

Staying in Little Rock with an RV.

Our desire for a place to stay in Little Rock was all about being in the city and not having to drive with morning traffic to the Clinton Presidential Library.  We found a city RV parking area just across the river from the Clinton Library and headed to that location. We were so surprised it was fabulous! The park was on the Arkansas River with a walking bridge (old train bridge), next door to walk over to the library. At night the bridge has beautiful lights. This was an amazing place to park for $12.56.

The next morning we walked across the bridge to the Clinton Library. This library building is very amazing you can see it to the left of the bridge, it has views to the river. The property was reclaimed from a EPA nightmare to become the library and a city park.

The library was dedicated November 18, 2014.  The dedication included former presidents George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Jimmy Carter and William Clinton.


Clinton Library

The front of the library is simple and beautiful, It is one of the most beautiful presidential libraries in the country just behind the Reagan and Nixon libraries.  The display areas are very well-organized to give a great experience with small nooks that take you year by year through the time Clinton was president. There were also many displays about his time as governor of Arkansas.The volunteers are available to take you on a tour of the library and are very knowledgable. Regardless of you politics, it was a wonderful experience with the recreation of the cabinet room, the oval office.

We had a laugh outside with the giant bug that was on display and we thought John belonged in its picture.

Saying goodbye to Little Rock back across the river.

We spent a few hours reading and walking around the library then we headed back across the river, said goodby to Little Rock, picked up our RV and start the long drive home.