Our Guide and Friend in South Africa – Kobus de Jounge

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Kruger National Park
Kruger National Park

Some years ago we had a fantastic, wonderful trip to South Africa. Many of our friends have asked about it. We were not doing a blog back then, but one of the major questions was: How to plan and what about security during our trip.

This is an opportunity to introduce Kobus de Jounge. Kobus and his associates helped us plan the trip to include some of the greatest golf courses in the world, visiting great cities and villages ending up at Kruger National Park for a wildlife experience we will never forget.

We were met by Kobus at the Cape Town airport after flying in and out of Johannesburg. Our first stop after checking into our hotel was to visit Table Mountain.

The views of the surrounding areas are tremendous and you get a great perspective of Cape Town. We asked him to pick a resaurant and join us for dinner. We were able to review our activities for the next ten days. We mentioned that we enjoy restaurants that the local population enjoy and not the “big name” places most tourist enjoy.

From that point forward we enjoyed the original scheduled golf and we were treated to

unbelievable “local” experiences such as fun wineries around Cape Town and on our drive up the Garden Route to George, it was Easter, we ventured into a small town with one resturant that J.J. Grill Caledon, Western Capewas opened. Many of the local farmers were enjoying their Easter dinner and insisted on us joing them. They were all of Dutch ancestry and we were told wonderful stories of the family histories in South Africa. On to George and while we played golf, Kobus found a small resturant that use to be the Town Meeting Hall called The Old Townhouse Restaurant. We met the owners Janet and Bryan and enjoyed a sensational meal, followed by some more wine at the bar. We enjoyed their company so much we returned the next night and eat at the bar while talking to Janet, another great memory!

Train to KnysnaWe took the old steam train from George to Knysna the following day. The views out to the Indian Ocean were beautiful. Kobus drove up, as one way on the train is enough. We were then able to see the town of Knysna, enjoying the many vistas in the town. there were wonderful views out over the water.

Kobus at Knysna
Kobus at Knysna


Kruger National Park

It was off to Kruger National Park to see one of the greatest wildlife park in the world. Established in 1898 to protect the wildlife of the South African Lowveld, this national park of nearly 2 million hectares (7,722Sq. Miles) is unrivalled in the diversity of its life forms and a world leader in DSC_0466 (1)advanced environmental management techniques and policies.The park is renowned not only for its diversity of wildlife, but also for its conservation record. You can see the famed Big Five, but you’ll also be dazzled by hundreds of birds, ancient trees, mighty rivers and much, much more.

It’s not only about the famed Big Five, but thousands of other animals such as the giraffe – surely the most elegant of all the bush animals. You’ll encounter elephants galore – watch out for that tiny baby crossing the road – and herds of buffalo. There are so many different

kinds of antelope your head will spin, fat crocodiles sunning themselves on sandbanks, hyenas mooching along, and, if you’re very lucky, a pack of wild dogs on the prowl. LonelyPlanet.com

The term ‘Big Five’ was historically used to denote the five most dangerous animals to hunt in Southern Africa. Today the term is now used to describe the most popular and exciting animals to view, whilst on safari in the Kruger National Park. They include, The Elephant, Blackand White Rhinoceros, Cape Buffalo, Leopard and the Lion.

There are over 100 000 impala, 10 000 blue wildebeest, 9 000 kudu, 5 000 warthog (everybody’s favourite ugly duckling), 25 000 zebra, 180 cheetah, over 1 000 leopard and 1 500 lions – and that’s just the start. You can now begin to understand the natural super-abundance of one of the world’s best-loved game parks.

About Kobus:

He joined the 7th Medical Battalion Group. – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_Medical_Battalion_Group They rendered medical support to other special forces groups. Completing regular Special Forces training he went on to medical training. Working in small 3 to 6 person groups, their speciality was to be para medics trained to keep a patient alive in the bush for up to 72 hours before they could be evacuated. Their first role was to be a fighting member, but the role changed to medical support if someone get shot or hurt. After training he went to officers school and became a lieutenant posted to 44 Parachute Brigade; becoming the founding commander of 44 Medical Task Force.

He trained and specialised in the following:
Level 6 Paramedic
Basic static line parachute
Free fall parachute
HALO parachute – (HALO – high altitude, high opening) We jumped from 34,000 feet with oxygen
Special forces tactics
Guerrilla warfare
Chemical & Biological warfare

When the new democratically elected government was formed in 1994 the military dramatically change. like many of the other Special Forces, he left the military. Kobus started looking for a business opportunity which he could be passionate about and use his special forces skills. He found it in tourism and started Jewel of Africa Safaris in 2001… and the rest is history!
Contact info:
Kobus:   +27 82 772 0317
Office & Fax:   +27 12 656 1831

Email:   [email protected]Website:   www.joasafaris.com

John and Kobus
John and Kobus – A friendship that began with our trip to South Africa